Hello and Welcome to my Website
Hello… my name is Stanislaw (Stan) Sieradzki… I facilitate Qigong classes and also hold regular weekend workshops in the south west region of Western Australia.
I launched this website in February 2017 and my aim is to help spread awareness about the benefits of practicing Qigong.
Qigong is such a simple yet so powerful practice that anyone can learn to do and adapt into their daily lives whatever their age or capability and that’s what I really love about it.
Overall health and well-being can be dramatically improved by the regular practice of Qigong.
Have a great day
What is Qigong?

Qigong is a practice that integrates slow physical movements, breathing techniques, focused intention and meditation to gather, store, cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the vital energy within the body.
Qigong practice leads to better health and vitality, a tranquil state of mind and higher self-awareness.
Qigongs simplicity, yet with its profound effects on Mind, Body and Spirit is easy to learn, enjoyable to do and suitable for all ages and capabilities.
Some of the benefits that can be derived from the regular practice of Qigong are…reduces stress, relaxes the mind, muscles, tendons, joints and inner organs. Improves posture, balance, flexibility, circulation, strength, stamina, vitality, blood pressure, cholesterol and hormone levels, kidney function, digestion, immune function and mental acuity.
Hard to believe? Try it and you’ll find out for yourself.

Coming soon… Online Qigong Course.
Due to be launched early next year… 2025.
Qigong... The Five Animals
The Five Animals is a powerful sequence of movements in the way that it basically moves every joint, muscle and energy channel in the body.
The slow and smooth sequence of moves also relaxes the body and calms the mind… reducing stress and anxiety… at the same time clearing the energy flow in the body and boosting the body’s capacity to rejuvenate and heal.

I stumbled across Stan’s qigong classes on Facebook the night before a new course and was instantly keen. I headed along the next day, not really sure what to expect. In the five months since, I’ve become hooked. The benefits started to show quickly. I am healthier and happier, and look forward to each week’s class.
Sally Murphy
Author... Bunbury WA
I first attended Stan’s Qigong classes in September 2015 at a time when I felt out of balance in body, mind and spirit and at 70 + years of age a little lost in the world. The health and well being benefits I have gained since then by regular practice have exceeded my expectations.
Patricia Strahan
Bridgetown WA
I have found Qigong to greatly help my flexibility, respiration and balance. As a health care practitioner I use some of the Qigong exercises that I have learnt to help my clients recover faster from their injuries.
Ray Murphy
Naturopathy... Bridgetown WA
All I can say is “life changing”. Since starting qigong I have found my whole soul in a place of peace. I have slept since day 1 which was quite elusive until then. I have found mental peace as well which was also elusive. The practice has become a regular in my healing process and I have Stan and his patience and explanations to thank for that.
Kerry Hazledon
Bunbury WA...
Qigong provided a turning point for me. I have practiced many different mind/body disciplines since the 1970’s but Qigong is the one that has given me most benefits; physically, mentally and emotionally. With Stan as a teacher, in no time the mobilization of all my joints improved and I now have a sense of calm & balance in my life.
Christine Latham
Artist... Bridgetown WA
Since beginning my Qigong classes some 3 months ago I have noticed some very good changes physically and mentally. I have found myself being more calm and clear in thought. My body feels more supple and after many years of contact sport getting up and down is now less effort. Thank you Stan for introducing me to Qigong.
Olys Kowal
Bunbury WA
“I first attended Stan’s Tuesday morning Bridgetown class in September 2021 and immediately knew it was my thing! It has helped me physically so I can now use joints that have been previously injured, and qigong has been an immense help to my mental health, and my journey to re-discovering who I truly am as a person. Thanks Stan for helping me regain “me.”
Karen Forrest
Bridgetown WA... 7th June 2024
Qigong was introduced to me by my brother Stan in September last year. I have found it to be very beneficial with joint mobility, muscle pain, balance and a general sense of well-being. It slows you down and helps you focus on the more important things in life. Thank you Stan you’re an inspiration to us all.
Emila Sieradzki
Bunbury WA
I have found that Qigong has helped me in Mind, Body and Soul over the past eighteen months. Qigong has helped loosen and balance my whole body. The practice has been uplifting as I have found the sessions to be happy and helping me to focus and to be more present.
Wayne Shalders
Artist... Bridgetown WA
I moved to Bridgetown 7 years ago, after completing final surgery on both knees. I knew I needed to participate in some extra therapy and exercise and relaxation. Qigong with Stan gave me the answer… I now have full movement and confidence in my mid-eighties.